Pipeline accessories

The company Fiting-P LLC is one of the leaders in the Russian market for the production of pipeline reinforcement. The main specialization is the production of valves of various brands (30s41nzh; 30s941nzh), valves, handles and helm. In addition, the unification carries out accurate casting. Foundry at the enterprise has been open since 2002, and its capacities fully satisfy their own needs and allow you to release casting to the side.

The 19s53nge rotary valve is not shut -off and serves to prevent the occurrence of hydraulic boards in the system and prevent the reverse flow of various working environment. This valve brand can be installed on pipelines with a diameter of 50, 80, 100, 150, 200 mm. It is used in working systems with a temperature of -40 to +425 ° C and with a conditional pressure of 4.0 MPa. On the vertical pipeline, the valves are installed upward in the inlet pair, on the horizontal – the lid up, and control of the valve occurs a stream of the working environment. The main task of the valves is to protect various equipment, pumps and blood vessels under pressure. And in case of any malfunctions, the restriction of the working environment. To automatically prevent the reverse flow of the medium in pipelines transporting various oil products, explosive and non-explosive-hazardous products, steam, gas, water, the reverse rotary valve of this brand is used. Wednesday pass through valves 19s53nge occurs in one direction. Valves 19s53nzh have all the necessary documents on the test and admission to use in the Russian Federation.

Our production association collaborates with many enterprises of equipment equipment throughout the country. Our employees will quickly and efficiently fulfill your order. And our flexible pricing policy will pleasantly surprise you.

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