Decorative plaster – Features of the application of material

Decorative plaster – Features of the application of material
To date, one of the most popular building materials for the decoration of the external and internal walls of the room is decorative plaster, which is represented on the domestic market by several types, depending on the future effect.
This material is popular due to its affordable cost and durability, as well as universality, since decorative plaster in Dnepropetrovsk can be applied to almost all types of surfaces.
The process of applying decorative plaster consists of several stages, the first, and the most important of which is the preparation of walls. Knowing the main features of the application of this structural material, and having everything necessary for this, everything can be done independently without attracting specialized specialists to this process, whose services will be very expensive. First of all, the walls must be covered with a special primer for more uniform and high -quality adhesion of the future decorative coating. If the walls are uneven, before priming it is required to align them using putty. It must be applied carefully, thoroughly leveling the walls. After it dries, you can start applying a decorative coating.
Decorative plaster in Dnepropetrovsk is presented in several variations, the most popular of which is bark beetle and lamb. These types of coatings are suitable for both decoration of the facades, and for decorating the internal walls of the room. In most cases, the store presents white plaster, if desired, you can paint it in any desired shade. For application of the material, special tools will be required – a spatula and a cell.
Apply plaster is an even layer, taking into account the fact that the thickness of the layer affects the texture of the walls – if you want a pattern to be clearly visible, the thickness of the decorative plaster should be large. To create the desired decorative effect, a spatula, a spatula, a roller and other tools may be required. Optimally, giving relief should be done for 15-20 minutes after applying the finish layer to the walls. The work is very creative and requires certain knowledge, since the textured relief should be homogeneous throughout the wall, and the pattern should be logical. Currently, giving an individual appearance to the room is very simple, the main thing is to know all the subtleties of this process and acquire the necessary materials in advance.