“Yes” or “no” carpets in the apartment?

Everything should be beautiful in the home interior. Convenience is inferior to beauty in relevance, since most people seek to impress visitors to their home – friends and relatives. Many decor details are transferred by adults from their childhood houses to houses and apartments of their present. Not only in rural areas, but also in many city premises a fairly common element of home decoration are carpets. What does this trend mean – a tribute to the past or the desire to surround yourself with impractical beauty?

Carpets and carpets occupy one of the first places in the rating of factors to create comfort. They can be soft and fluffy or thin and without noticeable piles made of natural materials or with an admixture of synthetic fibers. Carpets are quite demanding in terms of care: closing dust, difficulty with removing spots, loss of pile carpets – unpleasant moments that their owners face daily. Despite the need for regular cleaning and, literally, crawling along the simultaneously prickly and soft surface with a brush is the necessary minimum of actions that every housewife, seeking to maintain the freshness of the color scheme and the thickness of the coating of home carpets for a long time.

In the pursuit of practicality, warm floors and sound insulation, residents of modern apartments should stop choosing on the carpet, neat and easy to operate the palashes. If the floors are completely “naked”, and the relationship with wet cleaning has not been completed, soon the most cleaned hosts will begin to notice that dust accumulates in the corners, and the beauty of linoleum or parquet boards is lost among the pollution. The carpets on the floor are a way to get away from the need to wear home slippers and save neighbors from listening to all the events of their family life.

The practicality of the products of the textile industry borders on the beauty and uniqueness of handmade carriers and those that, as a family relic, are transmitted from grandmother to granddaughter. Snow -white carpets with a high pile are considered real luxury and the height of impractical: in such legs they “drown” in ankle, pollution are visible almost immediately, and regular cleaning can be spent all day. Among the advantages of such a pleasant object in the house, one can call the pleasure of beauty and masterfully performed work, an incomparable aesthetic effect, the ability to transform even the most dull and dull room that “requires” repair.

No one will deny that carpets give the interior completeness, and their absence makes it more refined. To lay down or not to lay down is a matter of taste, but without reliance on common sense and importance of saving, the convenience and ease of caring procedures, the compliance of the color and stylistic idea of ​​the interior design of the right carpet or coating is not possible.

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