How to choose children’s sandals

Every parent, and this naturally, wishes his child all the best. Therefore, as soon as the baby begins to walk, every parent is faced with the question of choosing shoes for his heir. Of course, the first pairs of shoes for the baby are very high demands – the shoes, first of all, should be comfortable, practical, safe and at the same time like the child. Especially for a long time young parents usually choose summer sandals for the baby, because on the shelves of children’s stores of shoes the assortment of sandals for children is simply huge.

How to choose children’s sandals

If you are faced with a similar problem, then, first of all, you want to advise you to start your offspring to a children’s orthopedic physician – unfortunately, it sometimes happens that only orthopedic shoes are already shown to the baby from his first steps

If everything is in order with your child, then before going to the store for new sandals, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the recommendations below to choose them – following them, you can purchase not only beautiful, but also safe for his health. shoes.

First of all, it is very important to correctly determine the size of the sandals necessary for your baby. Orthopedists do not recommend buying any children’s shoes “size in size” – the children’s leg in shoes should always have a small supply of about half a centimeter. This is necessary due to the fact that in hot weather the child’s feet can swell slightly. But also to fall into another extreme and buying sandals for several sizes is also not worth it – such shoes will cause your child only harm, because the supervisor in it will not be at all where it should. In addition, in too large sandals to the baby will be inconvenient to move, which, in turn, can form an incorrect gait in your heir.

How to choose children’s sandals

In order to correctly determine the size of the sandals, you can do as follows – even before payment of the goods, pull the insole out of the shoes, put it on the floor and put the baby’s leg on top. But, unfortunately, in many sandals, insoles are glued, so you can go the other way and make an insole at home, which would approach the shape of your heir, from cardboard or paper – it will be easier for you to choose a convenient pair on it.

When trying on sandals, parents need to feel the baby’s fingers and check if there is a lot of free space or, conversely, whether the child has fingers bent. Naturally, this applies to sandals with a closed nose.

Not all parents know that children’s sandals must have a wide toe, since the structure of the baby’s foot differs from the structure of the foot of an adult. Of course, sandals with a narrow nose look better, but such models of children’s shoes are considered harmful to the child. In them, the load on the foot will be distributed unevenly, which will lead to a violation of thermoregulation and blood circulation.

Children’s orthopedic doctors do not advise buying babies too open sandals – it will be better if children’s fingers are protected from sand and small pebbles that easily fall into open shoes. But there may be exceptions here – in the summer heat to put on the child closed sandals also do not, otherwise his feet will sweat hard.

Another important criterion for the competent choice of high -quality children’s sandals is the presence of a hard ass that is necessary for the correct formation of the leg, fixing the ankle and the prevention of diseases. But at the same time, the top of the shoes must certainly be soft and not rub the baby’s skin.

How to choose children’s sandals

Children’s sandals should be made only from natural materials – leather or textiles. Only in this case the sandals will provide your heir to comfort and convenience. If you still decide to purchase a combined version of the shoes, then check what material their inside is made of – if it is leather or textiles, then such a model can be bought.

Many requirements are presented to the soles of children’s sandals. It must be flexible, corrugated and wear -resistant. Even before the purchase, check how well the sandals are bent – if they do not bend at all or, conversely, almost curtails, then you should refuse to buy. The material from which the sole is made should also be of high -quality.

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