Features of the RuAssets project: what is it for

Do you want to protect your own business from financial losses, reputation loss and other problems?
Such problems often arise in the case of cooperation with those companies and private entrepreneurs that fall under sanctions. Refer to the site https://ruassets.com/, where advantageous services are offered. Let’s consider their features in more detail.
Features of the RuAssets project
This international instrument is a new project. It was designed to check links with individuals subject to sanctions. At the same time, the level of communication is as deep as possible, reaching the fourth level.
The RuAssets project was created after the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. Its purpose is to avoid contact with politically exposed persons who fall on the lists of sanctions. Previously, the project was used to simplify the work of compliance managers. However, at the moment, its creators have used their maximum strength to let the world know about the threat of cooperation with those companies that are distinguished by the presence of a “Russian trace”.
Possibilities of the modern RuAssets project
This project has some important features. Let’s consider each of the points:
- the analysis of linkages between countries and individuals will be thorough and carried out at different levels;
corporate and individual verification at the international level will be as prompt as possible; - identification of links with persons subject to sanctions will be simple and very prompt;
- identified military terrorists who have a connection with the occupation of territories located in Ukraine;
- soon there will be information relating to real estate (aircraft, land plots, houses, and so on);
- soon the project clients will be able to track the chain of interactions between companies through several intermediaries, which will make the analysis most effective.
Check individuals as well as companies that operate in more than fifteen countries. In practice, relevant registries are used, as well as the owners of specific organizations.
As you can see, the RuAssets project will be really useful for your business. Be sure to use its functionality if you do not want to face various unpleasant surprises and problems in the future. It is easy even for beginners to understand the peculiarities of using the resource, since it is thought out down to the smallest detail!