Features of the use of prp-tubes for plasma lifting: what you need to know

Plasmolifting (or plasmolift) is a currently unique non-surgical method of skin rejuvenation, designed primarily for the effective correction of obvious age-related changes and the solution of various aesthetic problems on the face, neck, and also in the décolleté area.The essence of the procedure is the use of a special apparatus that generates a plasma flow without touching the skin. Under its influence, there is an intensive release of collagen and elastin, which in turn contributes to a visible tightening of the skin with the naked eye and a reduction in wrinkles. In addition, this innovative procedure stimulates metabolic processes in the skin, improves its texture, color and tone.
Feature List
Currently, the leading professionals in their field are actively using the so-called prp tubes in cosmetology, with the help of which autologous plasma enriched with a huge number of platelets is prepared.
Among the obvious advantages of this procedure, it is necessary to highlight, first of all, such as:
- prp tubes are actively used to obtain platelet-rich plasma, which is then injected into the skin or introduced using other techniques.
- during the plasmolifting procedure, the plasma obtained using PRP tubes is subjected to a special treatment that helps to attract plasma containing plant stem cells;
- they are highly sensitive to platelets, which avoids damage or destruction of cells. This ensures that the quality of the plasma is maintained and ensures an optimal treatment result.
- possible complications and infections can be prevented, which is extremely important when performing cosmetic procedures.
Rules for the procedure
In order to achieve a truly effective and at the same time lasting result during the anti-aging procedure
or to solve any visible skin problems, it is recommended to know and follow a number of specific rules:
It is important not to forget that in order to obtain an optimal result and exclude undesirable negative consequences, it is necessary to discuss the possibility of carrying out the procedure, first of all, with that qualified specialist who has a sufficient amount of experience with this technique.